Getaways for Two is a service created to help couples find the best available accommodations and activities for their romantic trip. As owners of the company, we have traveled throughout the world. Often, we have found ourselves in a beautiful place only to wonder, "What should we do while we are here" and "where should we stay?"

I'm sure everyone has had this same experience before. You arrive at your destination and check in to your hotel. You walk over to the visitors center, pick up some brochures and decide how to spend your time. Perhaps you look at some of the online guides from your hotel room or ask the staff for suggestions.

Then, when your trip has ended and you get home, someone asks about your trip. "Where did you stay" and "what did you do." They tell you about a great place you could have stayed. They mention a great place to hike or bike or a tandem kayaking excursion you never heard about -- and you love to kayak. The place you ate for dinner -- got only modest reviews while a place that served your favorite foods was just around the block. Frustrating, right?

Our business has local representatives in each of the cites we represent. We have hand picked only the most romantic cities in the country-- and only cities where we have an intimate knowledge of the community and the best hotels. Although we have strong opinions, we also rely on our local reps to provide us with all of the up-to-date, unbiased information on what to see, what to do, and where to stay.

If you have any feedback, please contact us at